Our Farm
Hereford Bulls
Selecting Replacements
Here's a great example of why I use Livestocked to select my replacement females, rather than cross-herd EBV's / EPD's.

Here we have a heifers first calf which is reflected in the low RAW WW (Weaning Weight) ADG, but you can see that increase for the RAW PW (Post Weaning Weight) ADG.
The ADJ (Adjusted) numbers have smoothed out the performance accounting for environmental factors and by weaning age she was ranked as the #1 2019 calf for profit index.

This month, her EBV weight traits jumped from 36/55/69 to 42/66/85 with the submission her DNA and recorded her first calf.

Ultimately, we knew what we had in the paddock because Livestocked was organizing realized performance...and with enough data the EBV's will catch up which is why it's critical to work with the leading indicator rather than the lagging indicator.

Take Away: If I had of selected based on EBV's, I would have culled the #1 2019 calf.

NB: Advice only applies to internal selection, EBV's / EPD's are still the only tool we have for performance focused external selection.
Livestocked Evaluation
October EBV's
November EBV's
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